In Black magic there is a very useful skill that once learned can be applied to every area of your life. Believe it or not, this skill is the Art of Evocation.

I would first like to note that there is a huge difference between Invocation and Evocation.
Invocation : Is a ritual or Prayer. You call upon a diety and ask them to grant your desired request or to help you in an area of your life. When you invoke a diety you are calling upon their energy bringing the presense of the entity into the room, then you can ask them to grant your request, such as protection, inspiration their presence at a ceremony, ect. In some rituals the essence of the diety or spirit can enter the magician and inspire them.
Invocation is relativly simple to preform and really just involves being devoted to your diety and genuinly asking them for guidance. Like all magickal practises when preforming an invocation you must be focused in order for it to work properly. Some different forms of Invocation are Rituals, Prayers, Hymes, Meditation, ect. All religions have their different forms of invocation.
Evocation is a little different.

Evocation : In This art, you call forth a spirit, Demon, Angel or other diety and ask them to appear before you. Where once they appear you ask them to grant a specific request. When preforming an evocation you have to be very specific and remember to tell the entity to not harm your friends and family as in the spirit world things are a little different.
There are many different ways to preform evocations rituals and they can be preformed on any type of spiritual entity our there. The two most common are Angelics and Demonics.
There are two ways to get the entity to appear, one is by evoking them to the Physical Plane which can be challenging and is the harder of the two methodes. On the Physical Plane the entity has as harder time assuming a form and it can take longer and more energy to get them to appear. Though this methode is effective it is not recommended for the beginner magician.
The next is an easier way to evoke an entity, it is evoking to the Astral plane via a black mirror. This way is preferable to most magicians as it is easier for the entities so reveal images to you and communicate with you. This way has it’s challenges, as all forms of evocation takes focus and a controled mind, but it is the easier of the two.
I have done many evocations in my time as I really enjoy preforming them. I do not follow a lot of the old teachings where one must be cruel to the entity and bind it (I refuse to use a blasting rod). I am actually very nice when I evoke and greatful to the entity for their help. I have found that with that additude I have made some very good connections with the entities and had extra gifts befall upon me.
If you want to master this skill then there is a book I recommend that is a must. It is called “Summoning Spirits“ by Konstantinos….
Both Evocation and Invocation are very useful abilities and will be greatly beneficial to your Black Magick practises.
There is another ability that goes beyond these two, but I will save that for another day…
Happy Castings,
Priestess Akelta
Reblogged from Black Magic Secrets