When I got invited to come on Higher Consciousness Radio I was so excited. This was the first step I took to exploring myself, to leaving the safety of my computer screen behind and really stepping out there. I knew I had to do it, in fact when it was offered I jumped because I knew what an amazing opportunity it was going to be.
I remained perfectly composed and tried to speak as clear and concise as I could, but I was shaking behind my microphone. I remember when it was over I was so worried that I was going to sound terrible. I was worried my shaking was going to come across in my voice and I was really worried about how I was going to come across. This is the first time that I had vocally expressed myself in this manner. James was incredible as he actually let me listen to the interview before it went live.
I remember listening to it with my husband and his reassuring me and telling me it was really good. I gave James the go-ahead to release it. It was live! This is one of those defining moments. I know we all have them. Moments where we completely step out of our comfort zone and do something completely out of character to our normal routine. This was one of those moments for me.
These moments are necessary, you have to be able to sep out of what you are comfortable with. It is the only way that you grow and get what you desire. You will never get what you want doing what you have always done. You need to step out and push yourself out of that space. You need to try new things, take chances and risks.
This was a really great exercise in managing and handling my fear. I get that fear, but I did it anyway. I pushed myself into a new area and it opened up so many new doors. I felt more confident, I felt myself growing and expanding and I realized that if I could do this, then I would be able to do more. I was excited to do more. I was looking forward to starting a youtube channel and really having another platform to get my voice out there and share this wonderful world of demons.
When you stretch yourself, sure it is scary when you do it, but nothing compares to the moments of pride that follow. When you accomplish something and have that moment where you did it, you did something and accomplished something at one point you never thought you could. There is nothing that is comparable to that moment. In fact I live for moments like that. It is moments like that that allow for success to build on itself and allow you to break out of the patterns that keep you where you are and embrace a new life of your dreams and desires.
Thank you James so much for the opportunity!
You can find the link below ^_^
Akelta <3